There is no question that most businesses would not welcome extended periods of down-time to their daily operations. This is why Nortex provides flexible scheduling, along with time effective solutions. Our foundation lifting process extends the life of settled slabs that are still in good shape. We offer the best alternative solution to full depth replacement, which typically saves businesses weeks of down-time or more.
Foundation settlement is common across the board; it is found among homes, warehouses, commercial buildings, and even industrial plants.
The project pictured below depicts foundation settlement beneath each of the large storage tanks due to the presence of voids underneath. When the injection process begins, the reaction of the foam is so powerful that it easily lifts the concrete foundation back to its original elevation. When compacted under immense pressure, the foam can become as dense as 10 lb/ft³. Once the foam has cured, it is strong enough to hold everything in place for years. This project was completed in two days.
The project below pictures foundation settlement in a warehouse. The concrete foundation slab had settled a couple inches along half of the building. After only a few hours of injection the foundation was lifted back to its original elevation.